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Sunday, May 23, 2010

New Phone!

Today was a wonderful day!! I did have to wake up early in order to get to work on time, but work was enjoyable today.  It wasn't too busy and Kim is just wonderful! She is so sweet.  That is one woman I will always get along with.  My family got new phones today and I got the droid eris and I really like it so far.  My fingers haven't quite gotten used to the touch screen yet, but hopefully soon I'll be a speed texting machine again! :) Also, I think I may have found a roommate for pharmacy school in the fall! I was hoping to live alone because I always seem to have problems with people and I just wanted to be able to make all the decisions for my apartment and not have to run anything by someone else, but everything is just way too expensive for me to live alone.  I don't want to incur that much debt because I won't be working, and if I do, it won't be enough to cover rent and such things.  Hopefully, everything will work out alright.  I'm starting to get really excited for school! I have never been this excited for school before!  It is going to be something I really enjoy so I know it will be better than undergraduate.  Well, I am really tired and no one is reading this yet anyway so I'm going to bed! :)

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Half of Me

    Stress does not begin to explain what today has been!  At first, everything was fine, but as the day went on, I got calls from so many other stores (within the company I work for) trying to figure out a work schedule between these three specific stores due to a conflict and miscommunication.  Luckily, it was not due to any error on my part and I did not have to  work anything out.  However, I had told my store that I was going to work at another store for tomorrow because it would give me a whole day of work, and to be honest, I enjoy working there much more.  Well, my store called me today because they realized that I wasn't on the schedule for tomorrow and they said that I had to come in anyway because there was a floater in who did not know what they were doing.  Needless to say, I was and am still in quite the predicament.  There is no way I can be in the same place at the same time, unless I am split in half or cloned.  Unfortunately, neither of those are options.  I called the boss of the bosses and of course, he did not answer the phone or the text, he never does.  I called every other store I could think of to find someone to take one of them and no one could which I expected since Friday is the busiest day.  I do not know what to do.  I hate it when the job gets personal because I do favors for people and then I feel bad and/or obligated to those that I have developed relationships with.  I cannot WAIT to leave and go to pharmacy school.  I will not be working and all I will be doing is studying.  It actually sounds wonderful now.

    So there was nothing that went on today that was related to female interaction, but there is still an example of relationships with others.  Work is work. You must try and keep the personal relationships out of work because that is when you get in trouble.  So many times you see the secretary and boss having an affair, or you get into messes like mine where you feel a personal obligation to someone because you like them or what not and then something happens that rocks the boat and feelings get hurt or I get pulled in many directions.  Lord knows, this has happened many times and I hate it. I always get myself in these situations and I wish I could stop doing it.

   I'm so out of it and tired and over it so I'm signing off.

Goodnight! Be careful how you walk!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

You Won't Bring Me Down

Well hello friends!

        Today was a busy, tired day.  I did not get to sleep early enough last night and had to get up early this morning for work.  I do love my job, but sometimes the people I work with are more trouble than they're worth.  There is one woman at work who seems to have it out for me and I am not quite sure why.  She has accused me of stealing at least four times and each time I have been proven innocent.  Today, she decided that I should not be paid for traveling to nearby stores to work because I was "begging" them for hours which is not true.  It took a few phone calls but finally she was overridden and I was paid.  Now this is not necessarily woman on woman animosity because she does similar things to any person she does not care for, but it is an example of the catty, cunning of many woman.  Why does she feel the need to go to such great lengths to make my work experience miserable?  It made me very angry at first, but then I realized, she is going to do what she wants and there isn't much I can do to stop her when she already has it out for me.  Why should I waste my time worrying about someone who is out to get me when every time she is proven wrong?  So many times I have wasted energy and driven myself crazy worrying and being upset of why someone would treat me so badly and it never got me anywhere.  When I started to realize that I could accomplish more and I was happier when I wasn't paying so much attention to the negativity other people bring, it became easier to ignore.  Someone who tries so hard to make your life miserable must be miserable themselves and enjoys seeing others squirm.
          So, when someone is seemingly out to get you, think twice before you get heated and say things that could get back to that person.  Many times I have seen people become upset and run off at the mouth and what they say gets back to those whom they were speaking so harshly about and it causes more problems.  I know this from experience.  It takes practice, but once you sit down and think about everything that went on to make you upset, you realize that there isn't much you can do to change it so why fret? 

       On a lighter note, I have been looking for apartments on craigslist in the area where I am going to pharmacy school next year.  I cannot wait to move out of my parents house again and be on my own.  I am really looking forward to pharmacy school and learning everything about the things I give to people on a daily basis. : )

Tomorrow should be fun!  Please comment on my post today and let me know what you think : )

Until then, be careful how you walk! :)

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

The Yellow and Blue

Hello All!
         Welcome to my blog.  I am a 21 year old from Tennessee and have recently graduated from college with a bachelors of science in biochemistry.  In the fall, I will be starting pharmacy school and am extremely excited.  Right now though, I am going to enjoy my summer as much as possible.  I titled this blog "The Yellow and Blue" because those are the colors most associated with summer, the yellow sun and the blue water.  I was born in the summer and loved having pool parties to celebrate.  It is such a beautiful season with the blue waters and sandy beaches.  During this next two months, I will blog about my experiences as a woman and the insecurities that come with being a woman during the summer.  I hope to make clear how society can affect a woman's self esteem and how other women can make or break you.  I hope to reach out to those who may be going through the same things.

          To start, let me give a little bit information about myself.  I am overweight and have been since middle school and recently have been told I could end up with type II diabetes.  I have always been told I have a pretty face and I could be so gorgeous if I were skinny.  I have always had trouble making friends, especially with females for reasons unknown to me. I believe it has something do to with the cattiness and brutality of  the spoken word.  My entire school career, starting in elementary school, I have had these troubles with other females speaking about me behind my back and spreading rumors which are not true.  I do agree, I was socially awkward during my younger years, and did not know how to interact with others very well.  I have, however, grown out of it.  College has allowed me to come into my own and better understand myself.  My many experiences have led me to become a strong woman, yet vulnerable to the feelings of others.  Too often have I put stock into what others think of me and hopefully, this blog will allow me to logically think through the things that would normally make me doubt myself.  Please feel free to comment on anything I write so that I may see things from other points of view.

      As summer begins, I am again feeling the pressure to lose weight so that I can fit in a teeny, tiny bikini.  Why is it that I cannot walk out of my house without being bombarded with the way women are "supposed" to look?  I watch t.v. and see so many women who look "perfect."  Every time I go to the store, the cute clothes don't come in my size because either my breasts are too big, or my legs are too thick.  Too much value is placed in how a woman looks.  Obviously looks don't bring happiness because many a gorgeous celebrity has been married, but then gets divorced.  The beautiful people seem to have all the luck, but they always seem unhappy.  So why are women told that they cannot be happy unless they're gorgeous and have the latest fashions?  This makes no sense to me.  There is no reason I can't find a loving man and be happy with my life.  I don't have to have the latest couture or fit into the smallest bikini to be loved and enjoy my life.  Many people believe this, yet still we allow society to tell us that this is how it is.  How are we ever going to love ourselves if we won't even allow us to believe it.  It is sad that we preach equality and inner beauty yet still judge others by the way they look and the clothes they wear.

     Today had no specific incidences so I am not going to rant any longer, but I hope that I can reach those women and young girls who are struggling with the way they look and feel about themselves.  I pray that you will join with me to make women stronger.  I am going to try, using this blog, to make myself healthier, not because society tells me to look a certain way, but for myself.  I urge you to join me in this endeavor.